You can either store your QTX on your exchange wallet, or you can store them externally on your own wallet. Securing any crypto on an external wallet is generally a recommended practice for enhanced safety. This guide will focus on storage of QTX on an external wallet as steps for storing them on your Quantex trading platform wallet aren’t needed as QTX is atomically setup when you sign-up for an account, to see this, go on the “Balance” page.
The following are steps to add QTX to widely used wallets that support ETH, BSC, and SOL networks:
1. Adding QTX on the Ethereum Network (ETH)
Smart Contract Address: 0x577cc8560636bf585e1bb1bb2e281cedd4cd84ea
- Step 1: Open your Ethereum wallet (e.g., MetaMask, Trust Wallet).
- Step 2: Navigate to the token section and select ‘Add Custom Token’.
- Step 3: Copy and paste the above smart contract address.
- Step 4: Token details will auto-populate. Confirm and add QTX to your wallet.
2. Adding QTX on the Binance Smart Chain Network (BSC)
Smart Contract Address: 0x0069ad62703bc10a9e2eadde6d0f353fc5171a3f
- Step 1: Access your BSC-enabled wallet (e.g., Binance Chain Wallet, Trust Wallet with BSC).
- Step 2: Navigate to the token section and click on ‘Add Custom Token’.
- Step 3: Ensure the network is set to BSC and paste the smart contract address.
- Step 4: Token details should automatically fill. Confirm and add QTX.
3. Adding QTX on the Solana Network (SOL)
Smart Contract Address: 73rd6Ekp1bTYzV3oBAUeL4vMDAnHTdiXhCS5pbnh9quj
- Step 1: Open your Solana wallet (e.g., Phantom, Sollet).
- Step 2: Navigate to the ‘Add Tokens’ section.
- Step 3: Click on ‘Custom Token’ and input the smart contract address.
- Step 4: Token details will be recognized. Confirm and add QTX to your collection.
Once QTX is added to your external wallet, you can easily send, receive, and store your tokens with confidence. Remember to back up your wallets and keep your private keys offline and secure. For additional support or queries, reach out to our dedicated support team.