Depositing cryptocurrency to your Quantex account is essential for trading on the platform. The swap platform does not require a deposit, as it operates without registration. This guide will walk you through the process of adding funds to your account for trading in a few simple steps.
Step 1: Log in to your Quantex account
Visit the Quantex website ( and log in using your email address and password. Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) is required for added security and cannot be disabled.
Step 2: Access the ‘Balances’ page
Once logged in, click the “Trade” tab to access the trading platform. From the top-right hamburger menu, click the “Balances” button to view your balance of each cryptocurrency.
Step 3: Select the cryptocurrency you want to deposit
From the Balances page, locate the cryptocurrency you want to deposit for trading, and click on the ‘Deposit’ button next to it. If you can’t find the desired cryptocurrency, use the search bar to find it quickly.
Step 4: Generate a deposit address
A deposit address will be generated for the selected cryptocurrency. This address is unique to your account and can be used to receive funds from external wallets or other platforms. Make sure to double-check that you’ve selected the correct cryptocurrency before proceeding.
Step 5: Send funds to the generated address
Using your external wallet or another platform, send the desired amount of cryptocurrency to the generated deposit address. Note: Be cautious when sending funds, as transactions are irreversible. Make sure to double check the address to prevent the permanent loss of your funds.
Step 6: Wait for the deposit to be confirmed
Cryptocurrency deposits typically require a certain number of confirmations on the blockchain before they are credited to your Quantex account. The number of required confirmations may vary depending on the cryptocurrency. You can track the progress of your deposit in the ‘Balance’ page under the ‘Operations History’ section.
Once your deposit has been confirmed and credited to your Quantex account, you can start using the platform to trade cryptocurrencies. For swapping, no deposit is required, as the process is carried out without registration. Make sure to follow the best practices for securing your account and funds, and always double-check the details of your transactions before confirming them.