No account is needed to perform a swap, as it’s a no registration, non-custodial swap platform.
This list is continuously updated.
The following cryptocurrencies are offered on the swap platform:
- Bitcoin (BTC)
- Ethereum (ETH)
- Quantex Coin (QTX)
- Litecoin (LTC)
- Bitcoin-Cash (BCH)
- Tether (USDT)
- Binance Coin (BNB)
- Monero (XMR)
- Cardano (ADA)
- Solana (SOL)
Yes, Quantex provides non-custodial services through our instant swap platform. This means that you maintain complete control of your private keys and funds during the transaction process. Your assets are not held on our platform meaning you don’t need to maintain a balance to swap, thus enhancing the security of your trades and limiting potential vulnerabilities.
By depositing funds into a custodial exchange, you are giving them control of these funds. If they have a good reputation, then you have nothing to worry about although, in the past, many people have had their funds locked away and have found it impossible to withdraw. We are against this practice and will never hold your funds no matter what scenario. \n\nThe brief and only moment we have custody of the funds is when they arrive in our wallets. Once this happens, our systems will automatically send your funds to the address provided. So in a sense, we are 1% custodial and 99% non-custodial.
It depends on the amount of your order, the larger the amount, the longer it takes.
For coins with low liquidity/volume, here are some rough estimates:
$1-2,000 = Less than 15 minutes
$2,000-10,000 = 30-60 minutes
$10,000-20,000 = 1-2 hours
$20,000 – 50,000 = 1-6 hours
$50,000 – 100,000 = 1-12 hours
$100,000 + 6-24 hours
For coins with high liquidity/volume, here are some rough estimates:
$1-2,000 = Less than 15 minutes
$2,000-10,000 = Less than 30 minutes
$10,000-20,000 = Less than 1 hour
$20,000 – 50,000 = 1-3 hours
$50,000 – 100,000 = 1-6 hours
$100,000 + 3-12 hours
These are just estimates, the actual time may vary.
The rate will keep changing throughout the trade (in both directions) until you’ve sent your funds and the transaction has been broadcasted onto the blockchain. After this happens, your rate for that particular transaction will lock and that is the final amount you will receive.\n\nYou might get more than what was shown when you opened the trade, although you might get less. It all depends on the market price at the time of confirmation/broadcast. In most cases, we will need only 1 confirmation, in others, we only want to check the blockchain to see if the transaction has been broadcasted.
On the swap platform, before you create an order you can choose between a dynamic and fixed rate. A dynamic rate changes more often (every 20 seconds) compares to a fixed rate which changes every 5 minutes. Due to the volatility in the market, a fixed rate might interest a user more because they want to lock in that particular rate at that exact moment, although due to this volatility, a fixed rate will incur a slightly higher rate than a dynamic rate.