Yes, you can trade QTX on our platform. It’s available for trading on the QTX/USDT market pair, see link here.
Yes, you can trade QTX on our platform. It’s available for trading on the QTX/USDT market pair, see link here.
QTX value is driven by market supply and demand, alongside Quantex’s tokenomics strategy. This includes rewarding active traders with QTX and using revenue to buy back and burn tokens, reducing the total supply. As such, as the platform grows and the total supply decreases, QTX price will increase as the exchange grows.
Owning QTX within the Quantex exchange presents a unique set of benefits. Firstly, as a QTX holder, you are eligible for a substantial discount on trading fees. This discount starts at a whopping 60% in the first year of holding QTX, and gradually decreases by 10% each subsequent year until it stabilizes at a perpetual 20% from the fifth year onwards.
Moreover, QTX token holders are positively impacted by Quantex’s strategic token buyback and burn initiative. Quantex uses its generated revenue to buy QTX tokens from users and then ‘burns’ these tokens, meaning they are permanently removed from circulation. The aim of this strategy is to reduce the total supply of QTX by 50% over time. Consequently, as the exchange continues to grow and the supply of QTX decreases, the value of QTX could potentially rise.
Thus, owning QTX serves as a gateway to benefits such as trading fee discounts and potential appreciation of token value within the ever-evolving Quantex ecosystem.
You can swap any coin to QTX on our swap platform, or you can trade QTX on our trading platform using the market pair QTX/USDT and withdraw it directly to your wallet on either the ETH, BSC or SOL networks. Here are the smart contract addresses:
ETH: 0x577Cc8560636Bf585E1bb1bb2E281ceDd4Cd84eA
BSC: 0x0069ad62703bC10a9E2EaDdE6D0F353fc5171a3f
SOL: 73rd6Ekp1bTYzV3oBAUeL4vMDAnHTdiXhCS5pbnh9quj
Quantex Coin (QTX) will be our native exchange token, used to facilitate transactions and offer benefits to holders within our ecosystem. It creates value by incentivizing usage and growth of our platform. QTX is available on the ETH, BSC and SOL networks.